9 Datensätze gefunden

Lizenzen: Andere (nicht offen) Formate: TSV Organisationen: Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid

Ergebnisse filtern
  • Amateur film collection

    The amateurfilm collection contains films recorded from the 1910s until now. It consists of family films, travelogues, fiction films and animation. It was intended for...
  • NISV Art Collection

    This collection contains art-related TV and Radio programmes from the NISV archive. The selection critieria were specified by researchers from the University of Amsterdam. They...
  • Sound and Vision Archive - Television

    This is the current television collection of The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV), one of the most important Dutch audiovisual archives, which collects, looks...
  • Sound and Vision Archive - Radio

    This is the current public radio collection of The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV), one of the most important Dutch audiovisual archives, which collects, looks...
  • Sound and Vision Archive

    This is the current audiovisual collection of The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV), one of the most important Dutch audiovisual archives, which collects, looks...
  • Dutch Program Guides (up to 1950)

    This collection contains program guides for Dutch radio and magazines produced by the public service broadcasters, and is available only when logged in to the Media Suite. These...
  • Kijk en Luistercijfers

    Data format This collection contains reports on TV and radio ratings in the Netherlands - 'kijk- en luistercijfers'. There are 3347 reports indexed. Each report contains...
  • Sound and Vision Archive (up to 2018, iMMix version, deprecated)

    This is the old audiovisual collection of The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV). This collection covers the period up until July 2018. It is deprecated and has...
  • Dutch Program Guides (up to 1940)

    This collection contains program guides for Dutch radio and magazines produced by the public service broadcasters, and is available without logging in to the Media Suite. These...
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