NISV Art Collection

This collection contains art-related TV and Radio programmes from the NISV archive. The selection critieria were specified by researchers from the University of Amsterdam. They selected series of interest, and also identified artists of interest from the RKDArtists list. These were mapped to the GTAA Person thesaurus. Where this mapping was successful, programmes linked to these GTAA persons were also added to the Art collection.

In the Search tool for the Art collection, you can filter on Artists. These are persons linked to the programme who have been matched to the RKD Artists list, and therefore may reasonably be expected to be artists. This matching may contain errors, for example if an unrelated person has the same name as an RKD Artist.

The collection content is updated daily.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Autor Mari Wigham
Verantwortlicher Mari Wigham
Zuletzt aktualisiert 3. Dezember. 2024, 16:21 (CET)
Erstellt 3. Dezember. 2024, 16:20 (CET)
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