Dutch Program Guides (up to 1950)

This collection contains program guides for Dutch radio and magazines produced by the public service broadcasters, and is available only when logged in to the Media Suite. These guides have been digitised by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek during the Metamorfoze project.

There is also a public version of this collection, which is accessible without logging in to the Media Suite, but contains less material.

What part of the collection is included in the Media Suite?

At present, only guides up to and including 1949 are available. This collection will grow as more guides come out of copyright. Guides up to and including 1939 are also available in the public version of this collection.

What years does the archive cover?

The guides are available from 1923 up to and including 1949.

How and how often is the data updated in the Media Suite?

The data is updated annually as more guides come out of copyright

What kind of media is included?

The dataset contains scans of the digitised guides, together with some descriptive metadata

What portion of the collection is digital?

All guides have been digitised

Does the collection contain enrichments?

The collection has undergone OCR (optical character recognition) processing. The OCR output is available via the Media Suite for searching purposes only.

Where to find more information?

How to search in this collection?

To search the content of this collection, use the Media Suite's Search tools

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Zuletzt aktualisiert 13. Februar. 2023, 13:19 (CET)
Erstellt 6. April. 2022, 09:50 (CEST)
es_index program-guides-metamorfoze-lte-1949