Sound and Vision Archive (up to 2018, iMMix version, deprecated)

This is the old audiovisual collection of The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV). This collection covers the period up until July 2018. It is deprecated and has been removed from the Media Suite. Use the Audiovisual Collection (DAAN) instead. The information below is kept for reference purposes.

The NISV is one of the most important Dutch audiovisual archives, which collects, looks after, and provides access to over 70% of the Dutch audio-visual heritage.

The following figures give answers to common questions about the composition of this collection:

What part of the collection is included in the Media Suite?

Via the Media Suite, The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision offers access to its entire audiovisual collection, This version of the collection consists of 1,486.803 hours (as July, 2018). For the complete collection, see Audiovisual Collection (DAAN)

What years does the archive cover?

This old version of the NISV audiovisual collection includes items from 1877 to July 2018. The new version covers 1877 to the present day. items-over-time

Figure 1: Number of programs in the archive over time

How often is the data updated in the Media Suite?

The last update to this collection was done in July, 2018. Due to the transition to the archive's new media management system, this version of the collection is no longer updated. For an up-to-date version, see Audiovisual Collection (DAAN)

What kind of media is included?


Figure 2: Distribution of programmers over distribution channels

What portion of the collection is digital?


Figure 3: Percentage of material that is digital over time

Does the collection include enrichments?

Progressively, the NISV audiovisual collection is being enriched with automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcripts. ASR enrichments are available for the following items:

  • Radio 1 (Hilversum 1, Radio 1, NPO Radio 1)
  • Radio 5 (Hilversum 5, Radio 747, 747 AM, Radio 5, NPO Radio 5, NPO Radio 5 Nostalgia)
  • Source catalogs (items from the Radio Programma, Weken Nederlandse Radio, and Hoorspelen collections)
  • Television (news and current affairs)

The process is still ongoing. This was the final status for this version of the collection. ASR is continuing on the new version:


Figure 4. ASR availability over time (This graph shows the number of programmes with a speech recognition transcript available per year (green). The yellow bars are the audio-visual programmes that are waiting for ASR, the red bars the audio-visual programmes that cannot currently be processed with speech recognition, as they have no copy in the media archive.)

Where to find more information?

How to search in this collection?

To search the content of this collection, use the Media Suite’s Search tools.

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Feld Wert
Zuletzt aktualisiert 6. April. 2022, 10:01 (CEST)
Erstellt 22. April. 2016, 13:53 (CEST)