Phonological and phonetic databases at the ...


Document contains background information on the Soundbites collection.

Some transcriptions are available on paper the material. See the last alinea in the Soundbites paragraph: "At present, the site only presents raw material. The Meertens Institute has a set of transcriptions covering about 10 per cent of the recordings; however, these transcriptions at present only exist in a paper version. In the ideal case, we would release all of these transcriptions also in a digital version, preferably in some way aligned with the sound material."

Reference: Phonological and phonetic databases at the Meertens Institute. / van Oostendorp, M. The Oxford Handbook of Corpus Phonology. ed. / J. Durand; G. Kristoffersen. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. p. 546-551.

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Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 13. Mai 2016
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 13. Mai 2016
Erstellt 13. Mai 2016
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