Radio Oranje

The collection of Broadcasts from Radio Oranje (Radio Orange) contains a selection of the radio broadcasts that were transmitted between 1940 and 1945. They were broadcasts created by the Dutch Government in exile in London, transmitted to encourage and inform the people of the Netherlands whilst under occupation. According to Dutch law these recordings are in the Public Domain, and hence free for reuse by anyone. Unfortunately Soundcloud does not support that label, so it was decided to use an open license that provides as much of the same freedom as possible, but prohibits anyone from claiming copyrights on any of these works or its derivatives, the Creative Commons-Attribution-Share Alike (CC-by-SA) license. As soon as a Public Domain Mark is available as a copyright label on Soundcloud, we will change the rights statement accordingly. Furthermore, the digitized material is a so called semi-finished product. During digitization an attempt was made to get as much detail from the original source as possible. This can sometimes mean that there is a need for post-production to get the best possible end-product for human consumption.

For 32 broadcasts - the speeches by Wilhelmina - automatic speech recognition is available, provided by Univerity of Twente. It was in the context of the following production by the EO "God in de lage landen", an episode about Wilhelmina.

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Version 1
Zuletzt aktualisiert 6. September. 2022, 11:41 (CEST)
Erstellt 26. Oktober. 2021, 15:51 (CEST)
es_index radio-oranje