Open Images Project Collection (derivative enriched linked data set)

This dataset is a derivative of the Open Beelden ( dataset (Creative Commons – Attribution-Share Alike license (CC-by-SA). It is based on an exported version and is not synchronized with the original version.

The original data was converted to RDF conversion. A schema mapping was made to the DIVE data model. Links to GTAA thesaurus are established from the original subject metadata fiels. For 510 videos, crowd enrichments are added with relations to entities, events, persons, places through crowdsourcing. These are also aligned with GTAA.

The data is available in a number of RDF named graphs.

  • al_oipers_to_gtaapers.ttl alignments from crowdsourced persons to GTAA
  • al_oiplace_to_gtaageo.ttl alignments from crowdsourced locations to GTAA
  • al_oirest_to_gtaaall.ttl alignments from crowdsourced concepts to GTAA
  • oi_collectiontriples.ttl triples registering media objects to a collection
  • oi_enrichments.ttl crowdsourced enrichments
  • oi_schema_mappings.ttl OI to Dive schema mappings
  • oi_sources.ttl for sources and placeholders (thumbnails and video locations)
  • openbeelden.ttl Openimages collection, earlier dump by Michiel Hildebrand
  • void.ttl VOID file, includes library statements for ClioPatria

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Feld Wert
Autor Victor de Boer
Verantwortlicher Victor de Boer
Version 0.1
Zuletzt aktualisiert 13. Februar. 2023, 13:21 (CET)
Erstellt 7. Dezember. 2016, 16:01 (CET)