Oral history Interview Project De Russenoorlog, opstand Georgische troepen op Texel
Daten und Ressourcen
CLARIAH Media Suite Elasticsearch indexElasticsearch/JSON
This collection is indexed with Elasticsearch for the CLARIAH Media Suite....
Zusätzliche Informationen
Feld | Wert |
Quelle | http://www.persistent-identifier.nl/?identifier=urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-q4g-tsj |
Autor | Stichting Traktor (copyright) & Arnold van Bruggen |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 23. Juni. 2018, 13:15 (CEST) |
Erstellt | 30. November. 2017, 12:56 (CET) |
Access Details | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0 & OPEN_ACCESS |
Data Disclaimer | This dataset has undergone processing before it was uploaded to this register. Examples of possible processing operations are: filter, transform, enrich, clean, interpret, combine or reconciliate. |
Processing Details | Derived from the DANS oral history collection. Mapped DIDL format to dcterms. |