Oral History (aggregated collections)

These are the Oral history collections harvested from the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), the Netherlands Institute for permanent access to digital research resources.

Oral History, also known as oral sources, means that memories of a person are recorded on (digital) image and sound material, so that these memories can then serve as a historical source. Material from Oral history research often contains information that would otherwise be lost. In addition, it provides insight into the way in which people deal with and give meaning to what they have experienced in, for example, war situations (Source: DANS).

The CLARIAH Media Suite harvests systematically all the oral history collections from DANS. The following figures give answers to common questions about the composition of this collection:

What part of the collection is included in the Media Suite?

All the DANS oral history "thematic collections" have been harvested.

What years does the archive cover?

The oral history collections include interviews between:


Figure 1: Number of interviews in the collection over time


Figure 2: Distribution of interviews over the time period discussed (parsed from temporal field)

How and how often is the data updated in the Media Suite?

The collections' metadata is harvested from the DANS OAI-PMH harvesting point and made available via the Media Suite. Most of the collections are automatically recognized based on the title containing the string “IsPartOf:,” which describes the relation from the dataset to its parent. This isPartOf field can be used to select specific collections inside Oral History. Most titles containing “Thematische collectie:” or “Project (...) in EASY, are also processed. Finally some exceptions to the automatic options above are hard-coded, in order to harvest all the oral history collections and projects from DANS.

The latest update to the Media Suite's data from DANS oral history collections has been done in July, 2018.

What kind of media is included?


Figure 2: Distribution of interviews over projects

What portion of the collection is digital?

Most interviews are digital, but not all of them can be openly accessed. The Media Suite can only provide access to the "open access" collections at this moment (July, 2018).

Does the collection include enrichments?

This collection does not include any enrichments at this moment.

Where to find more information?

  • For more background information about DANS oral history collections, visit the DANS "thematische collectie: Oral history" description.
  • To see the details of each collection or oral history project included in this aggregated collection, visit the individual descriptions here in CKAN, filtering by the tag "oral history" on the left "Tags" panel.

How to search in this collection?

To search the content of this collection, use the Media Suite’s Search tools.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Quelle https://easy.dans.knaw.nl/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=easy-collection:1
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12. Oktober. 2021, 10:42 (CEST)
Erstellt 21. März. 2016, 10:48 (CET)
es_index dans-oral-history